

RE: http://www.cato-unbound.org/2012/12/14/patrick-lee/say-no-to-physician-assisted-suicide/

According to Lee:

“Morality centrally concerns how our choices bear on the intrinsic goods of human persons—such goods as life and health, knowledge, friendship, and others. We ought to care for every person, and that means helping them to attain or preserve these intrinsic goods. Since these goods are the aspects of persons, to act directly against any of them is to act against the person herself.”

Once the word “OTHERS” has been used to cover “the rest of the intrinsic goods I might have missed”, Lee can no longer reach his conclusion logically by asserting on “ANY of them”.  For instance, what about free will?  Is it one of the “intrinsic goods of human persons”? If so, helping a dying person implementing her choice by her own free will to kill herself is hardly “to act directly against the person herself.”